Source code for stardog.content

"""Content that can be loaded into Stardog.
import contextlib
import os

import requests

from . import content_types as content_types

[docs]class Content(object): """Content base class. """ pass
[docs]class Raw(Content): """User-defined content. """
[docs] def __init__(self, content, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, name=None): """Initializes a Raw object. Args: content (obj): Object representing the content (e.g., str, file) content_type (str, optional): Content type content_encoding (str, optional): Content encoding name (str, optional): Object name Examples: >>> Raw(':luke a :Human', 'text/turtle', name='data.ttl') >>> Raw(open('', 'rb'), 'text/turtle', 'zip', 'data.ttl') """ self.raw = content self.content_type = content_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding = name
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): yield self.raw
[docs]class File(Content): """File-based content. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, name=None): """Initializes a File object. Args: fname (str): Filename content_type (str, optional): Content type. It will be automatically detected from the filename content_encoding (str, optional): Content encoding. It will be automatically detected from the filename name (str, optional): Object name. It will be automatically detected from the filename Examples: >>> File('data.ttl') >>> File('data.doc', 'application/msword') """ self.fname = fname (c_enc, c_type) = content_types.guess_rdf_format(fname) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc = name if name else os.path.basename(fname)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with open(self.fname, 'rb') as f: yield f
[docs]class URL(Content): """Url-based content. """
[docs] def __init__(self, url, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, name=None): """Initializes a URL object. Args: url (str): Url content_type (str, optional): Content type. It will be automatically detected from the url content_encoding (str, optional): Content encoding. It will be automatically detected from the filename name (str, optional): Object name. It will be automatically detected from the url Examples: >>> Url('') >>> Url('', 'application/msword') """ self.url = url (c_enc, c_type) = content_types.guess_rdf_format(url) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc = name if name else os.path.basename(url)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with requests.get(self.url, stream=True) as r: raw = r.raw # HTTPResponse, given by r.raw, is a proper file-like # object, except missing a 'mode' property This property # is needed by requests lib to stream it back in a # request, so we give it the expected mode, 'rb' raw.mode = 'rb' yield raw