Source code for stardog.content

"""Content that can be loaded into Stardog.
import contextlib
import os
from typing import Optional

import requests

from . import content_types as content_types

[docs]class Content: """Content base class.""" pass
[docs]class Raw(Content): """User-defined content."""
[docs] def __init__( self, content: object, content_type: Optional[str] = None, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initializes a Raw object. :param content: Object representing the content (e.g., str, file) :param content_type: Content type :param content_encoding: Content encoding :param name: Object name Examples: >>> Raw(':luke a :Human', 'text/turtle', name='data.ttl') >>> Raw(':βüãäoñr̈ a :Employee .'.encode('utf-8'), 'text/turtle') """ self.raw = content = name (c_enc, c_type) = content_types.guess_rdf_format(name) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): yield self.raw
[docs]class File(Content): """File-based content."""
[docs] def __init__( self, file: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, fname: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initializes a File object. :param file: the filename/path of the file :param content_type: Content type. It will be automatically detected from the filename :param content_encoding: Content encoding. It will be automatically detected from the filename :param name: Name of the file object. It will be automatically detected from the filename :param fname: backward compatible parameter for ``file`` Examples: >>> File('data.ttl') >>> File('data.doc', 'application/msword') """ # file as a special meaning in IDE such as pycharm where it shows you a file picker. It helps you find the file # which is important for this type of call, but we need to be backward compatible in case they use fname= if fname: file = fname assert file, "Parameter file is required" self.fname = file (c_enc, c_type) = content_types.guess_rdf_format(file) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc = name if name else os.path.basename(file)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with open(self.fname, "rb") as f: yield f
[docs]class MappingRaw(Content): """User-defined Mapping."""
[docs] def __init__( self, content: str, syntax: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): """Initializes a MappingRaw object. :param content: the actual mapping content (e.g. ``'MAPPING\\n FROM SQL ...'``) :param syntax: The mapping syntax (``'STARDOG'``, ``'R2RML'``, or ``'SMS2'``) If not provided, it will try to detect it from ``name`` if provided, otherwise from the content itself :param name: name of object Examples: >>> mapping = ''' MAPPING FROM SQL { SELECT * FROM `benchmark`.`person` } TO { ?subject rdf:type :person } WHERE { BIND(template("{nr}") AS ?subject) } ''' >>> MappingRaw(mapping) """ self.raw = content = name c_syntax = None if name: c_syntax = content_types.guess_mapping_format(name) if c_syntax is None: c_syntax = content_types.guess_mapping_format_from_content(content) self.syntax = syntax if syntax else c_syntax
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): yield self.raw
[docs]class MappingFile(Content): """File-based content."""
[docs] def __init__( self, file: str, syntax: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): """Initializes a File object. :param file: the filename/path of the file :param syntax: The mapping syntax (``'STARDOG'``, ``'R2RML'``, or ``'SMS2'``) If not provided, it will try to detect it from the ``file``'s extension. :param name: the name of the object. If not provided, will fall back to the basename of the ``file``. Examples: >>> MappingFile('data.sms') >>> MappingFile('data.sms2') >>> MappingFile('data.rq') >>> MappingFile('data.r2rml') """ self.fname = file self.syntax = syntax if syntax else content_types.guess_mapping_format(file) = name if name else os.path.basename(file)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with open(self.fname, "rb") as f: yield f
[docs]class ImportRaw(Content): """User-defined content."""
[docs] def __init__( self, content: object, input_type: Optional[str] = None, separator: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initializes a Raw object. :param content: Object representing the content (e.g., str, file) :param input_type: ``'DELIMITED'`` or ``'JSON'`` :param separator: Required if ``input_type`` is ``'DELIMITED'``. Use ``','`` for a CSV. Use ``\\\\t`` for a TSV. :param content_type: Content type :param content_encoding: Content encoding :param name: Object name .. note:: if ``name`` is provided like a pseudo filename (i.e. ``'data.csv'``, ``'data.tsv'``, or ``'data.json'``), it will auto-detect most required parameters (``input_type``, ``separator``, ``content_type``, ``content_encoding``) - otherwise you must specify them. Examples: >>> ImportRaw('a,b,c', name='data.csv') >>> ImportRaw('a\tb\tc', name='data.tsv') >>> ImportRaw({'foo':'bar'}, name='data.json') """ self.raw = content = name (c_enc, c_type, c_input_type, c_separator) = content_types.guess_import_format( name ) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc self.input_type = input_type if input_type else c_input_type self.separator = separator if separator else c_separator
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): yield self.raw
[docs]class ImportFile(Content): """File-based content for Delimited and JSON file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, file: str, input_type: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, separator: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initializes a File object. :param file: filename/path of the file :param input_type: ``'DELIMITED'`` or ``'JSON'`` :param content_type: Content type :param content_encoding: Content encoding :param separator: Required if ``input_type`` is ``'DELIMITED'``. Use ``','`` for a CSV. Use ``\\\\t`` for a TSV. :param name: Object name. It will be automatically detected from the ``file`` if omitted. .. note:: If ``file`` has a recognized extension (i.e. ``'data.csv'``, ``'data.tsv'``, or ``'data.json'``), it will auto-detect most required parameters (``input_type``, ``separator``, ``content_type``, ``content_encoding``) - otherwise you must specify them. Examples: >>> ImportFile('data.csv') >>> ImportFile('data.tsv') >>> ImportFile('data.txt','DELIMITED',"\\\\t" ) >>> ImportFile('data.json') """ self.fname = file (c_enc, c_type, c_input_type, c_separator) = content_types.guess_import_format( file ) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc self.input_type = input_type if input_type else c_input_type self.separator = separator if separator else c_separator = name if name else os.path.basename(file)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with open(self.fname, "rb") as f: yield f
[docs]class URL(Content): """Url-based content."""
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, content_type: Optional[str] = None, content_encoding: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initializes a URL object. :param url: URL to the content :param content_type: Content type. It will be automatically detected from the ``url`` if not provided. :param content_encoding: Content encoding. It will be automatically detected from the ``url`` if not provided. :param name: Object name. It will be automatically detected from the ``url`` if not provided. Examples: >>> URL('') >>> URL('', 'application/msword') """ self.url = url (c_enc, c_type) = content_types.guess_rdf_format(url) self.content_type = content_type if content_type else c_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding if content_encoding else c_enc = name if name else os.path.basename(url)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def data(self): with requests.get(self.url, stream=True) as r: yield r.content